Weaving Process
The weavings in the three slideshows illuminate the world as experienced with a woven process-based perspective. As a weaver, I became aware of two recurring themes as I wove, as if the process was communicating these. The first was in the form of a focus—to always ensure the integrity of a whole integrated fabric. The second theme pertained to the way a weaving grows.
Individual threads of a fabric evolve along with the development of the whole fabric. These two themes mirror a natural whole-oriented value system in the way life works on an ecological level. Each of the three tapestry series shown in the slideshows explores the world as it is experientially perceived with a woven process-based perspective.
View Introduction, Slideshows and Video:
Tapestry Series 1: Silent Oratory: A Weaver Speaks
Tapestry Series 2: Life-Weaving Series
Tapestry Series 3: The Background and the Foreground are the Same